
Contributing to the Daylight Hacker Wiki

The Daylight Hacker Wiki is a community-driven platform dedicated to providing comprehensive information about Android ROMs, builds, and modifications for the DC-1. We encourage contributions from anyone with knowledge and experience in these areas.

Guidelines for Contributing


  • Ensure your content is accurate, up-to-date, and well-written.
  • Cite sources and references for any information you include.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or technical terms unless necessary.
  • Proofread your content for errors before submitting it.


  • Follow the Markdown syntax for formatting your content.
  • Create new pages as needed and link them to the appropriate sections of the wiki.

Technical Expertise:

  • Please provide accurate technical information, including firmware versions, build numbers, and installation instructions.
  • Ensure your content is relevant to the target audience of the wiki.

Review Process:

  • All contributions will be reviewed by the wiki administrators before being published.
  • The review process may take some time, depending on the volume of submissions.


  • You can contribute to the wiki by creating new pages, editing existing pages, and adding content.
  • Please provide a brief description of your contribution and your areas of expertise.


Additional Resources:

Thank you for your interest in contributing to the Daylight Hacker Wiki! Your contributions are greatly appreciated.